“Both heartwarming and heartbreaking, When Polio Came Home: How Ordinary People Overcame Extraordinary Challenges, is a fascinating compilation of stories from the families most affected by this pernicious and destructive disease. These inspiring stories will melt the hearts of even the most unwavering grinch. Although the individual stories are unique, they share a common bond; each family suffering the fear, anguish and ruthlessness of polio, and each family rising, in what can only be described as heroic ways, to meet the challenges they faced—and continue to face.
Stories collected and edited by Connie Anderson, this important book brings to light the sad but, little-known side effect of polio—post-polio syndrome, affecting as many as 250,00 people all over the globe. Decades after the original onset, post-polio syndrome reappears with its myriad symptoms causing even more devastation and debilitation for those who already suffer from its original attack.
Today, when many parents see vaccinations as optional or even damaging, the author has done us a great service. This book is a call-to-arms, reminding us although we won the battle—but the war may not be over.”
– Diane Keyes, author of Spirit of the Snowpeople and the award-winning This Sold House